11065 |
17615 |
11072 |
11073 |
11074 |
23811 |
17458 |
11066 |
12368 |
11070 |
11071 |
11069 |
11064 |
12133 |
12125 |
11068 |
All results are displayed on this page. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11065 St. George Brewery (BGI Ethiopia Group) Ethiopië geen Bati Beer |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
17615 Moha Soft Drink Industry Share Co. Ethiopië bottled by Moha Softdrink Industry S.C. PO Box 1270 Addis Ababa, under authority of pepsico INC. Purchase N.Y. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11072 Ambo Mineral Water አምቦ ፡ ጠበል ፡ Ambo Mineral Water S.C. Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11073 Ambo Mineral Water አምቦ ፡ ጠበል ፡ Ambo Mineral Water S.C. Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11074 Bedele Special በደሌ Bedele Brewery Share Company Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
23811 BGI Ethiopia ቢ.ጂ.አይ. ኢትዮጵያ St. George Brewery (BGI Ethiopia Group) Ethiopië geen Nieuw |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
17458 Coca-Cola ©The Coca-Cola Company East Africa Bottling Share Co. Ethiopië East Africa Bottling Pvt. Ltd. Company ...e.v. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11066 Dashen Beer ዳሽን ቢራ Dashen Brewery Share Company Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
12368 Fanta Orange flavoured soft drink Ingredients: ca... East Africa Bottling Share Co. Ethiopië East Africa Bottling Share Company ...e.v. Nieuw |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11070 Harar Beer ሐረር ቢራ Harar Brewery Share Co. Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11071 Harar Beer ሐረር ቢራ Harar Brewery Share Co. Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11069 M Moha Tossa amba water የጦሳ አምባ ውሃ Moha Soft Drink Industry Share Co. Ethiopië geen |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11064 Mirinda tonic CES53 Moha Soft Drink Industry Share Co. Ethiopië bottled by Moha Softdrink Industry S.C. PO Box 1270 Addis Ababa, under authority of pepsico INC. Purchase N.Y. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
12133 Sprite Soft drink Ingredients: Carbonated water, ... East Africa Bottling Share Co. Ethiopië East Africa Bottling Share Co. ...e.v. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
12125 Sprite Trademark regd. Preserved with sodium benz... East Africa Bottling Share Co. Ethiopië East Africa Bottling Pvt. Ltd. Company ...e.v. |
ID: Text on crowncap: Brewery: Country: Border text: Inside: Notice: |
11068 ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ቢራ St. George Brewery (BGI Ethiopia Group) Ethiopië geen St. George Beer |
All results are displayed on this page. |